In recent years, laser therapy treatment has quickly become the best option for patients suffering from cold sores. Laser therapy treatment harnesses light energy and concentrates it on a very small area, destroying the virus that allows cold sores to form. Patients that utilize laser therapy treatment have the ability to prohibit ulceration from arising through a new technology known as ‘photo-biostimulation.’ These laser therapy treatments have the ability to also counter future cosmetic damage by decreasing the probability of cold sores reoccurring on the lips in the future.
Patients suffering from cold sores have the ability to experience immediate relief following the treatment that only lasts a few minutes. The procedure is painless, and therefore the patient requires no anesthesia. Many patients who come to our office are not aware that this procedure may, in fact, be covered by their insurance company.
When undergoing treatment, patients must wear eye protection while our highly trained staff operates a small device that is set to the safest and effective wavelength. The light from the laser enters the skin, though the tip of the laser never actually touches the patient. The light then obliterates the virus that allows cold sores to form. After the laser therapy process, your body then automatically starts the healing process.
To learn how you can benefit from Laser Treatment; give our office a call today at 916-939-6777.
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